In the recent time, one Corona Virus – Pandemic has proved that fact that human society is not walking towards right direction. Capitalist mentality has left us nowhere. It has been more than 182 days and we have no clue if we will be able save one life with certainty.
1497- the explorer Vasco da Gama started his historic sea voyage from Portugal, he reached Malabar Coast in 1498 at a devastating cost. Only 54 crew members survived; the rest died in ‘Scurvy’ – later discovered a disease caused by deficiency of vitamin-C. No physician in that era was skillful enough to find the reason of the disease. When Vasco da Gama reached Mombasa, Kenya, the local king offered him Oranges and Lemons. The disease starting in the mouth was cured like a magic. Since then all the sea voyages in the world start with enough stock of fresh citrus fruits for consumption. However, various anecdotes like this gave birth to initiate the quest of finding consumable ingredients in food and their health benefits in different parts of the world. Lots of researches revealed a startling fact that food not only provides us Gastronomic Pleasure, Energy and various Nutrients but also helps to strengthen the immunity of body.
A strong immune system is critical for living a healthy life. The immune system must be taken care and preserve to fight against any potential viral and bacterial attack. Various foods in our regular diet serve the purpose. It helps to improve the immune system of the body, builds preventing elements to fight against various diseases, helps speedy recovery from specific diseases, and helps to balance psychic disorders too. In order to serve the very purpose, food contains various important elements like Probiotics, Prebiotics, Nutrients (Micro and Macro), Selenium, Dietary Antioxidants like Flavonoids, Various common Vitamins like A, E and C. All those elements provide proper nutrition cause Nutrition and Immunity go hand in hand. Let us see how body reacts with a strong immune system supported by enough nutritious foods to fight with infection.
In the recent time, one Corona Virus – Pandemic has proved that fact that human society is not walking towards right direction. Capitalist mentality has left us nowhere. It has been more than 182 days and we have no clue if we will be able save one life with certainty. However what we are very sure is that, we need to protect ourselves and boost immunity of the body. If you closely notice, every commercials talk about the same fact to increase their sales. Don’t get trapped. If you still are not affected by the COVID-19 virus make sure you understand and learn what protects you not just from this virus but in general to have a strong immunity to fight against any disease.
When the immune system’s response is weak, body is vulnerable to infections such as Common Cold and Cough, Diarrhea, Jaundice, Rubella, Chicken Pox, Flu, SARS, Measles, Tuberculosis, Cardio-vascular disease, Cancer and many more. However proper daily dietary foods can help to strengthen the immunity; e.g. Animal Protein, Colored Vegetables, Citrus Fruits, Mushrooms, Wheat Germ, Low Fat Yogurt, Spinach, Green Tea, Broccoli, Garlic, Pomegranate, Ginger, Turmeric and many more.
The immune system fights the foreign invaders in the body, like pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Poor nutrition results to malfunctioning of immune system and slow healing from various infections. There are countless foods in the world strengthening the immune system. Now it’s time to know about your food before you intake. We must see some of the important elements that we must look in our food habit.
- Essential Micronutrients Selenium, Iron, Copper, Zinc, Magnesium. Dark leafy greens like Spinach; Sesame and Pumpkin seeds; Lentils; Quinoa; Brown Rice are rich source of them.
- Dietary Antioxidants Natural or dietary antioxidants like Carotenoids and Flavonoids prevent cell damage against free radicals and also prevent damage to the immune cells. Green Tea, Beets, Broccoli, Carrots, Watermelon, Soybean are rich in them.
- Vitamins Mostly Vitamin A, B, C and E are essential for a strong immune system. Spinach, Cauliflower, Mushrooms, Red Peppers, Citrus Fruits, Meat, Fish and Dairy Products are good sources.
- Protein Studies show high protein foods help to make antibodies and give a boost to immunity. Eggs, Fish, Broccoli, Brown Rice, Mushrooms, Nuts and Seeds are protein rich foods.
- Omega 3 Fatty Acids Foods like Fishes, Seeds like Chia-seeds, Flax-seeds and Pumpkin-seeds, Green Vegetables are rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids and grow immunity in body.
- Dietary Fiber This promotes a healthy gastrointestinal system and helps to promote the immunity in body. Banana, Pear, Cereals, Millets, Legumes, Various Seeds, Brown Rice are good options to consume fiber.
- Herbs Some of the common immunity boosting herbs are Garlic, Black Cumin, Turmeric, Ginger, Cinnamon, Tulsi. They are a must have during present days to fight this global pandemic.
- Probiotics Living micro-organisms or Probiotics help to boost the immunity system. Fermented food like Yogurt or common Curd is good source of Probiotics.
Considering only food habit change to boost the immunity may not give you desirable result. It is equally important to make some correction to lifestyle as well. Leading a stress free life, regular physical exercise and workout and a proper sleep must be followed besides having balanced diet. Another concern might be the quality of the foods. This is needless to say, only Naturally and Organically grown foods can serve the real purpose of nutrition and immunity.