A very large portion of Grocery Store shelves and Online Grocery Stores are taken over by Gleaming Organic Products. Reason might be different from one consumer to another but increasing demand for Organic Grocery and Organic Food has made an entry to main stream of daily essentials in the market. It is needless to say Organic is a better choice. Many may compare with traditional products and say it is overpriced or may say I find no difference. This argument is endless. However health conscious consumers look for USDA or India Organic certified products. But will it be good enough to buy an organic grocery online form any online organic Grocery Store? No, the health benefits of Organic Farming have direct impact on farmers and laborers in the field.
Hiding the important information about product and process beneath the vibrant product packaging and advertisement is no good. In this article we will try to highlight 3 major piece of information that every consumer of Organic Grocery product should know before they decide from where they should buy it.
- Find The Genuine Products
At first to make sure the product you are purchasing is Organic certified. You can look for the Organic Certification logo in the external packet. Instead of completely trusting on image you must look for in the description of the product and make sure it is explicitly mentioned in the product page with all applied certificate names of the product.
2. Know The Product Well
Secondly you must know a product well before you buy it. Traditionally you get to know the product the way producers want you to know and the most important information like shelf life, producer, how to use, ingredients are mentioned in such a way neither it violates the Government regulations nor it is presented properly to consumers.
Only complying to technical specifications is not good enough to be declared as safe product. We must see the Ethical side of the company and the product too. You should also consider the story & intention behind the brand, what motivates them?
3. Source of The Products
In the traditional supply chain management system, one product reaches to a consumer after travelling through various hands and location. This process indeed has some benefits but it does more damages for a very small convenience. Look for the brands and producers who send the products directly to you. By doing this it breaks the traditional supply chain system and cuts down lot of carbon footprint by not using lot of transportation to carry it from one hand to another.
In today’s world, people run out of time in every space. When it comes to grocery everyone tends to depend on the local Grocery Stores or the supermarket with heavy discounts and ending up payment almost 50% more on the products that we barely use after purchase. For the last five years Online Grocery stores are picking up its own popularity with their own unique selling proposition. So when you choose an Online Organic Grocery store you must consider the above three signs in their online store.
Consumers may not know it, but they do have the power to improve the conditions of the people who grow their food. Armed with awareness, the modern shopper can play a major role in helping to ensure Organic Food starts to actually mean “Healthy” for everyone. Find the above three signs of trustworthiness so that many Organic Farm Workers get their deserving attention.