Increased awareness towards chemical and pesticide free food is helping many towards adaptation of Organic Food. Are our children able to adapt eating and using Natural and Organic Products means consuming products without the harmful chemicals and pesticides? While the organic method of farming is expensive, a bit more that the costs of non-organic staples like milk and eggs and skin care, the benefits are well worth the small extra expense. When it comes to your kids, spending that few extra cents for organic choices will be worth a lot more than what we are paying.
Dr. Ami Nagrjan, 38, a specialist in integrative medicine estimates that she spends approx Rs.15,000 a month on organic Baby products for her 3-year-old twins. “I spend more on my kids than I do for myself,” she said. “It’s worth it to me to get something pure for them.”
Mrs. Shah, who describes herself as a “product junkie,” said that her curiosity to try new product lines extended to her children when she became a mother. “I am not necessarily into natural lines myself,” she said. “But it was important for me to find pure and nontoxic products for my kids.”
Children are our future and ensuring their healthy growth and development is ought to be a prime concern for all parents across societies.
Children’s health depends not only on the food they eat but also greatly on the grooming products that are used on them. Hence it is natural to see that the trends towards health and wellness aren’t just limited to the diet and exercise but also towards a healthier lifestyle since the parents want the best for them and their kids..
The degree of inconsistency in the safety of ingredients in consumer products is on a rise across most categories. The products in order to be more competent are using all possible means to be profitable at the cost of health of consumers. The increased awareness towards these practices is giving boost to consumption of natural and organic products and parents are leading the way.
According to one survey done in USA (Source: Mintel) over one third (37 percent) of consumers agree that they were buying more NOP than the year prior, including 34 percent of parents with children under 18 in the household. Parents should be or rather they are information seekers when their kids’ health is a concern. They should be well aware for all the ingredients being used, source of the ingredients and these ingredients are being processed to create products used by their kids.. Trend towards health and wellness aren’t just limited to diet and exercise as many are trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle. That lifestyle aligns well with the ambitions of most common people. The reason for purchase of NOP is that consumers consider them safer than mainstream products and give them general peace of mind.
“A majority of consumers, regardless of their Natural and Organic Product usage, are trying to live and adopt healthier lifestyles for themselves and their kids amid a society that struggles with challenges such as obesity and stress.”
The green movement is upon us, many are changing their lifestyles. What about giving your children’s diet a green make over? As more and more natural food stores and organic brands come on the surface, it’s getting easier for you and your family to use natural and organic products, which is a good thing considering all the health benefits of all-natural and organic products.
Ms. Ritu Chopra
Nature Touch
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