This week we are going to review Whole Wheat Flour or Atta. The benefits of whole wheat have been known for years. Its health benefits depend on the form in which you are consuming it. Processed wheat does not contain the best parts of the grain. During the processing of the grain, 40% of its original content is removed, making it less nutritious.
Whole foods, including whole wheat flour, contain some of the healthiest fats, carbohydrates and proteins, which are essential in lowering the risk of developing metabolic syndromes.
Enriched with the magnesium, whole wheat flour is linked to lowering the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Daily consumption of these foods has shown a decline in the increasing blood sugar, by about 19%. Eating a serving of whole wheat can reduce levels of cholesterol, high blood pressure and other signs of cardiovascular disease.
The most common issue with whole wheat flours in almost in all states is unhygienic storing system. We always advise to looks for a fresh Atta, Do not purchase flour if it is packed too early. We can say of regular whole wheat is better or organic whole wheat flours is better, but one thing we must know the process of making the flours are store of atta makes it all different. So to be in the safer side it is always advisable to have organic wheat flours.
Brand: Dear Earth, Natureland Organics, Green Sense
Price Range: From Rs. 60.00/1kg to Rs. 280.00/5kg
Buy Now: https://www.earthenstore.com/certified-organic-atta-other-flours