Organic Living India Presents “Kid’s Organic Art Skills Competition” a National Art Competition for little artists. Art is the only form that can express the inner feelings of anyone irrespective of age.
This event intends to promote artistic abilities to express freedom during this rugged and challenging time; And also to help raise awareness about the needs and rights of kids. Through this competition, Organic Living India also seeks to raise awareness about sustainable living to make this world a better place to live.
Organic Living India is an Organic Lifestyle Magazine for ethical and sustainable living. We are extending our platform to showcase Indian Kid’s talent to the World.
Why Participate?
- Unique opportunity to express the most powerful thought of the children
- Cash Prize, Prize, Special e-Certificate for all winners
- Participation e-certificate for all
How to Participate?
Draw a picture based on the theme given below on a A4 paper. Leave a half inch or quarter inch blank margin in all the four side. Once the drawing is completed using the below mentioned medium then take a vertical image and submit the same using the below given Google Form Link. Any kids with a valid school ID proof can participate in this Drawing Competition. Once the artwork is complete take a clean and clear picture of the Art Work and submit it using the below Google Form link on and before 28th February 2022. The result will be announced on the 1st of April. There is no entry fee or any other changes. Please make sure if you have any questions drop us an email at We will surely get back to you.
Google Drive Link to Upload Artwork:
The Kid’s Organic Art Competition is sponsored by Earthen Living LLP, located at Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Payment of Entry Fee: There is no fees at all. This is absolutely free. We do not have any event partners. So anyone claims money to participate should be treated a fraud.
- Category from 5 to 10 years
First Prize
- Rs. 3000 in Cash Prize
- Winner Special e-Certificate
- Showcasing the Artwork in Organic Living India Magazine
Second Price
- Rs. 2000 in Cash Prize
- Winner Special e-certificate
- Showcasing the Artwork in Organic Living India Magazine
Third Prize
- Rs, 1000 in Cash Prize
- Winner Special e-certificate
- Showcasing the Artwork in Organic Living India Magazine
The Theme & Preparation of Image
- The artwork must be based on “Indian Republic Day“.
- Mediums to use are Oil, Water, Pastel, Wax, Pencil, Pen & Charcoal
- Digital Artwork not Allowed
- File Format must be JPEG
- Max File Size allowed is 10 MB
- One artwork per participant
- The Last Date to Submit the Kid’s Art Work is 28/02/2022
Winner Notification:
Result will be announced on 1st April 2022 on the Organic Living India Facebook and Instagram handlers, and also on the website.
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